Saturday, December 01, 2007

Give ART for Christmas.... Art on

***Here's a neat-o website supplied by Jennifer - lots of art and craft ideas and how-to, recycling, how-to build hand things around the house, etc. etc. Check it out, especially the Art and Crafts areas:


Scooter in a basket of dolls

Give ART for Christmas! Get personal and give a GOOD gift. (Forget the dollar store fruitcake!*) Does your family member like cats? Dogs? Color? Nature? Just type any of those and other favorite words into Ebay in their "Artists Self-Representing" category and you'll find just the unique gift that your friend will remember. And, while you're at it, you'll be contributing to keep American artists working. :)

Check the left side of the main page at and you'll see my little Christmas snow globe card representing their Seasonal Gallery this year. Check out the Seasonal Gallery while you're at it and you might find an interesting gift of art for sale. Or get YOURSELF a nifty gifty :) (Click on the snow globe on main page and it will take you to the seasonal gallery).


*Note about fruit cake: If you've ever had the real deal, original fruitcake made from the old-fashioned recipes that took time (like days) to make, you won't believe the difference between that and cheapie fruitcakes. It's YUMMY! If people could taste what it's really like, there probably wouldn't be any more fruitcake jokes ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Black Cat in a White Tree ~~~~ Paper Folded Christmas Bird Ornament~~~

Update: New photo without the red eye (found the red eye tool

(Sung to the tune of "A Partridge in a Pear Tree")

Altogether now.....

"On the first day of Christmas,
Santa gave to me....
A black caaaat
in a white tree."


Olive visiting the new observatory.


Peace dove folded paper bird made in Pat's class. Made with medium heavy-weight scrapbooking paper, tube beads, glitter, gold chord, carpenter's glue, decoupage. It was harder to make than it looks ;)

Who says I don't have good taste in jewelry?
Scroll your mouse over the ring and watch it light up!