Michigan Summer.... Human Kindness Foundation
Need a little kindness? This old world could use a little kindness, no? Here's a site you might want to check out.... It's called the Human Kindness Foundation/Prison Ashram Project at http://www.humankindness.org (There is a link to this on the left side of this page, so you can just click on that and it should take you right to it.)
I'm reading "We're All Doing Time" by the founder, Bo Lozoff. Lots of deep and simple guides for meditation and spirituality. Bo Lozoff travels to prisons throughout the country, and also the world, and leads workshops for prisoners, guards, and everybody who is interested, on meditation and kindness. He's also written several books, sings, and has tapes available of his music, and also inspirational tapes at their website. Very interesting site, you should check it out.
Here's another neat site - Lorraine's site at http://www.meandthecat.com/
Stop by her site if you're interested in the musings of a 70-something tree-hugging bunny-hugging politically-minded lady with a great sense of humor :) Always something interesting to read at Lorraine's. (There's a link to Lorraine's site as well on the left of this page. Just click it.) ****************
Morning glories. Tiger lillies from a week ago. ...ok, and what's this? Golf ball? Bird's egg? Nope, it's a perfectly round puff ball mushroom. Lots of them peeking out during these hot humid days.
What have you been up to this summer? I've been on siesta from blogging and I'm hoping I still have a few bloggers out there? (waves) I'm thinking about changing my blog into some other form. I'll let you all (all 3 of ya, teee) know when I come up with a new format. What are blogs for anyway? Huh? I love reading and commenting on other people's blogs. But for my own? Hmmmmm..... gotta put some thought into it.