Friday, August 31, 2007

Framing Crazy! ..... Getting ready for the County Fair

I've been framing like mad! I do my own framing. Getting ready to enter these in the St. Joe County Grange Fair. The fair in our county is really unique - this is an ag community so it's very farm oriented and a very old fair too, they recently celebrated their 100 year birthday! Some of the old antique buildings remain. They even have the little old white short picket fences around the displays of giant squash, huge corn, veggies, displays made by 4-H kids, pictures made out of beans) quilting (home arts building), tatting, and other cool displays. It's like taking a step back in time just to see the buildings, let alone go into them and see the old-fashioned displays. Many people come from out-of-state for the experience and spend the entire week camping on the fair grounds! There are truly a lot of people who come and it's usually pretty packed.

I'm HOPING for a blue ribbon on a painting this year, but I'd settle for ANY ribbon! I'm an award maven, never get enough kudos, they are a balm to my soul, heh :) (Most artists I know are they way, no?)

Now's your chance.... each one of these is for sale. If you'd like a:

cute bee (original watercolor painting in shadow box frame)
cute hanging-upside-down kitty (orig watercolor painting)
pair of poodles (giclee print)
original Halloween verse watercolor painting with original calligraphy and hand-painted frame with vintagey-Halloween pumpkins and spooky eyes on top, bottom and sides of frame
a small red hat lady gardener (original watercolor)
a large red hat lady gardener (original wc painting in antique frame) (would make a good gift for your Red Hatted auntie or friend)

If you're curious or serious, just e-mail me for prices and we can work out the details.

Wish me luck at the fair :)

Who says I don't have good taste in jewelry?
Scroll your mouse over the ring and watch it light up!