Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thursday Threesome ...... The Nine Billion Names of God

Wow... Michigan produce is in season and we are having a blast eating the freshest of the fresh from roadside stands and at the store - sweet corn, black sweet cherries (big Yum on that one), squash, blueberries, raspberries, green peppers, melons and on and on. They say the grape crop was ruined this year, but that everything else is enjoying a bumper crop because of the heat wave we had. Here's a pic of one of the days when the humidity was high (although it got much higher).

Have you ever heard of the science fiction book or short story (maybe by Arthur C. Clarke?) "The Nine Billion Names of God?" Reading the books I ordered from the Human Kindness Foundation made me think of the many different ways that people "believe" (or don't believe) and all the numerous names there were for God/The Force. Such as: The Force, God, The Tao, The Path, Allah, Buddah, The Way, The Great Spirit, Oneness or One, and probably about 9 billion more. Can you think of any more? Feel free to post them in my comment section :)


First sunflowers



Who says I don't have good taste in jewelry?
Scroll your mouse over the ring and watch it light up!